Here are a few little things I've done. If you have extremely specific interests, some of these things might relevant to you.
- elf2psx (2023): A tool for translating ELF binaries into Playstation 1 executables. There are many such tools, but I like to think that mine is a little bit nicer to use than most of them (although it could be better documented).
- blinkenlights (2021): Scrapped together for a makerspace demo with a bit of circuitpython and a touch of BPFTrace (I tried to get it working with DTrace as well, but I don't think that came together...), this was written to render per-CPU core utilization (well, thread utilization really) onto twelve strips of conveniently-accessible neopixels, inspired by ye olde BeBox front panels. I think the utilization monitoring technique I used is somewhat questionable, but the visualization still looked pretty cool and it might be of use if you want to make something similar.
- megutil (2020): In the far-off year of 2020, Command & Conquer Remastered had just come out and I wanted to take a look at the game's assets. While there were tools that could extract files from the proprietary archive format that game used, they were all windows only, and I wanted something nice and convenient and Linux-friendly. So I wrote something.